Update on 19-June-2014 at 10:00 pm
Zakira Mir Ahmed is a 22 years old Afghani girl living with her parents in Karachi. The family had migrated from Kabul when political situation worsened. She has a brother and a sister, both are younger than her. Zakira’s father and brother work. They earn together 18000 PKR (£105) per month. They pay 7000 PKR (£41) rent and around 1200 PKR (£8) Utility per month. Although food is not included, they manage it one-way or other. They live in a small home.
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Zakira is suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease stage V due to IgA nephropathy. C.K.D is the loss of kidneys’ ability to eliminate excess salts, fluids and waste materials for the blood. When kidneys lose their filtering ability, body fluids can rise to dangerous levels. This can be fatal and require intensive treatment. Zakira had been in constant pain since August 2012 and her only treatment choices were Hemodialysis and Kidney transplantation.
Zakira is on 3 dialysis each week since 2012. Cost of each dialysis is 7500 PKR (£45). Their monthly income being 18000 PKR (£105) and outgoings with food 16000 PKR (£97) per month, she finds it impossible to meet the expenses. At present, Zakira’s Hemodialysis is paid by Sympathy. A Kidney transplant is a treatment of choice for Zakira’s end stage chronic Kidney disease. We can say this would give her a chance to return back to a normal and stress less life.
A person only needs one kidney to survive. Unlike other types of organ, such as heart and liver, a living person can donate a kidney. Ideally, this should be a close relative. Receiving a donation from a close relative means there is less risk of the body rejecting the kidney. Fortunately Zakira’s sibling have the same tissue type as her. Imran Afghani, her younger brother, has matching HLA (Human tissue carries a special genetic “marker” or code, known as a human leukocyte antigen (HLA). Zakira’s only hope is to have this transplant.
Although a Kidney transplant is considered a major surgical procedure with wide ranges of potential risks, having a transplant is possible and have been successfully performed in Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi. Dr. Mabood Khalil, a known Nephrologist, is planning her transplant in June 2014. Although the cost of Zakira’s Kidney transplant is 15,50,000 PKR (£9,400) including pre transplant evaluations and assessments, Aga Khan Hospital is expected to bear 50% of the cost. Furthermore, Sympathy has raised £529 to date, this would mean Zakira still requires £4171 for the transplant.
Sympathy is asking for your help. If you can donate anything, we will be very grateful. We understand that everyone has financial stress and it’s not always possible. Only give if you can.
This diagnosis will forever change Zakira’s life.
Please note: Donors do not have to go through Sympathy, they can directly contact the family or Aga khan hospital, karachi and make their contributions or carryout their enquires. Please email us for the family’s contact details and hospital MR No.
Followings are Zakira’s detailed documentary evidences.
ID’s, Medical Reports and Doctors Recommendations. (Click To View)
Zakira Letter (Kindey Donation)
Dear All,
I am very very pleased to confirm that Zakira kidney transplant has ended. She and her brother are doing well. I personally met Dr Taqi and Dr Imran in recovery room. Operation took 8 hours, it will take further 3 hours before she is shifted in her room. Dr Imran was kind enough to write a quick note for all the donors about how the operation went. If everything works out well, she will be discharged from hospital in next 7 to 10 days. She will have to continue with her medications for two months and she is required to follow up every week for next four weeks, thereafter the follow up visit will be reduced. I attach the Doctors note, payment receipts of the funds that Sympathy deposited, 250,000 PKR ($2,500). Expected bill from Aga khan will be around 15,00,000 PKR (approx $15,000). Her two months medications cost is around 264,000 PKR ($2,664), this is not part of the hospital bill.
One issue which we are facing at present is that Aga Khan Afghan Welfare Board, who had promised to support us at least 50%, is not supporting Zakira at all. We have no idea why they have changed their mind. In reality, they have supported her from all the way from Dialysis to all pre transplant tests. We are stilling fighting for the discount but it seems that they are not in mood of changing their mind. Their reason is they don’t have enough funding. I feel this is unfair on all the donors who have helped including Sympathy. We have raised enough to support our 50% mark, we are still in search for funds for her medications though.
Rest is all under control. As soon as doctors allow me to take her picture, I will forward that to you all. Meanwhile, I will send you Aga Khan Account number so you can send the donation to their account.
Progress Bar:
Update on 19-June-2014 at 10:00 pm
Donate Zakira Mir Ahmed
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Charity CheckOut Payment Option (For International Donors)
Paypal Donation
Donate by cheque, send a cheque made payable to ‘SYMPATHY Registered Charity’ with your name, address, and a contact number to:
3 Charlotte Court,
Claremont Lane,
Esher, Surrey,
KT10 9AG
or you may direct deposit the cheque on our below account.
Account Name : SYMPATHY
Bank Name: Barclays
Account No: 10642371
Sort Code: 20-92-60